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We believe education is an inclusive process and responsibility is shared between Administration, Faculty, Grand Parents, Parents and the Students.

  • Only Pre-School in radius of 2.5 kms with best in class hygiene and infrastructure aided with latest technology.
  • Best in Class curriculum based on Multiple Intelligences – by Dr. Howard Gardner, Psychologist and Professor of Neuroscience, Harvard University.
  • Focus on building child’s foundation, with greater emphasis on values, experiences and provide learning environment which should recognize the different learning styles, abilities and interests.
  • Innovative teaching by use of technology and integrating it with practical approach.

Our Vision

PEPPY HEARTS provides a safe, stimulating and positive environment that enhances and fosters the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development of children through inquiry based learning and discovery, which will help children to develop the strengths and skills necessary for them to construct their own knowledge and prepare them for their next school environments and school readiness.

  • Best An initiative by WILLPOWER EDUCATION ACADEMY.
  • Promoted by well experienced educationist.
  • At PEPPY HEARTS we believe the ‘best way to learn is to ‘Yearn’

Our Mission

PEPPY HEARTS has combination program providing preschool, day care, A place where children are valued as learners with their own strengths and needs.

Children are encouraged to wonder, explore, and soar so that each ones passion for learning, generosity of heart and need for self construction is nourished.

Teachers who are mere facilitators for their zeal, knowledge and commitment. Parents are valued as equal partner to bring out the best in every child.

Together, we realize that all of us are learning, valuing and cherishing each moment.

Design & Developed by LEXICON EDUTECH © 2022 All rights reserved.